The statistics tell the
heartbreaking tale.
16 year old Cheryl Pierson Cuccio was one of these victims - The incest and abuse ended with her father's murder. She endured it for several years, but hired a classmate to kill her father when he said her 8 year old sister was next. That is why she and her husband Rob wrote this book. Awareness is so important, but remember, never ask the child in front of the suspected abuser because it could put them in further danger. It took 30 years for Cheryl and her husband Rob to reveal the true horrible details of her life in order to help others.
- Five children die every day as a
result of child abuse.
- 12.5 million American children will
be sexually molested before they are 18 years of age.
- 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys have
been molested by age 18 …
- Boys report less than girls
- 90% of the molesters are family
members or friends
- The youngest children are the most
- 80% of children that die from abuse
are under the age of 4
- 2% of pregnant and parenting teens
were raped, molested, or sexually assaulted prior to their first pregnancy.
- Children who have been abused or
neglected are 59% more likely to be arrested as juveniles
- U.S. has more child maltreatment
deaths than any other industrialized nation, ranking highest in both the total
number of deaths and deaths on a per capital basis.